Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well we are off and running again. As spring approaches things seem to get more and more busy at our house.

Ashleigh had her first dance competition on February 27 & 28. She and her two dance friends performed their trio on Friday night . It wasn't the best we have seen them do it but it was certainly good enough to win 1st place and Queen. As you can see from their smiles they were thrilled. As a team that took a 1st and a 2nd. Not too bad for their first competition.

Garrett tried out for the new 8th grade baseball team for West Lake High School and made it. He was very excited and we are very proud of him. He now has practice almost every day and is really loving that...he is always frustrated when it gets canceled because of weather. He loves baseball!

As the mom, I love watching them. Typical of every mother I am so proud of them and think they are the absolute best kids in the whole world.



Cindi said...

Good job, Ashleigh. You are awesome. Congrats on the baseball team, Garrett. Have a great season. Your kids are almost the best. I'll give them a close 2nd.

Jenn said...

Man Your kids are getting big! I can't beleive it! Great job to both of them, it looks like life just keeps getting busier for you guys! Have fun!

The Staheli's said...

Awesome Job Garrett and Ashleigh!! We miss you and can't wait until you come down in April.

The Hunzikers said...

Ashleigh is so cute. I can't believe how big she is getting. Wasn't she just in second grade dancing over to the pencil sharpener?? Miss you!