Well I got up at 7 this morning to take Ash to dance practice. Garrett had spent the night at a friends house and Jason is in England so it was just the girls.
But back to my title.....
I got home at about 9 and around 9:15 the phone rang. When I picked it up I was a little suprised, but always glad, to hear my friend Cindi's voice. She had called to get my password for my blog so she could change it for me. It was about time I got rid of the Christmas stuff. The funniest thing however was that she told me...."I am getting rid of your christmas stuff so that you can blog again." lol. So Cindi, here you go.
Yes, I know I am terrible at this whole blogging thing. If you see new stuff more than once a month I am doing great. So I thought a little bit about why that is and came up with a short list of reasons. Mostly I am just a slacker.
1. Time - I am usually so busy between running my kids around, doing stuff for Young Womens, and trying to keep my house from collapsing because of the mess and dirty laundry, that I rarely sit down at the computer once I get home.
2. Lack of Memory - Honestly, once I sit down at the computer to blog, it has been so long since the last time that I can't remember everything I need to blog about.
3. Content - Our life lately seems to consist of the same old same old. Ash - School, Dance, and musical, Garrett - School and friends, Stacey - Work, family and Young Womens, Jason - Work, Bishopbric stuff, and family. Ash made the somment..."We need to go and do something soon."
4. Pictures - Jason gave me a fantastic new camera for Christmas and we have taken a lot of pictures...I just have never gotten around to getting them transfered from the camera to the computer.
Don't get me wrong, I am not whining. I love the stage of life we are in and we are having a great time living it, I just think it would be nice to be able to hit the pause button for everything going on around us and take time to just relax.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
You're too funny. You should post about the blue wig, unless Ashleigh wore it out already. :)
Anyway, I hope you like the new look.
Boy, you really are busy. Young Women's alone is a never ending barrage of meetings and activities. Good luck with everything!
I think Cindi is great too. She got you to post. I need a Cindi:) It sounds like you are busy as always. It was fun to see you at christmas time...is that the last time we saw you guys? Come visit us soon. We miss you!
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