Friday, June 20, 2008

Well right now we spend almost every night at the ball park. Garrett is just finishing up the city Tournament and will then hopefull go to state. I love baseball and don't mind watching all the games. Ashleigh on the other hand would rather be at the playground. She does check in and watch for a few minutes but then she is off again. She makes new friends every night so I guess that is a good thing.

Garrett moved up to a new league this year and has played well considering most of the kids are twice his size. Most of the time he plays 2nd base and loves it. He does occasionally have to play in the outfield but he doesn't mind that either (unless he has to play right field). He struggled a little bit with his hitting at the first of the season, but is now hitting very well. He loves baseball and is always excited to go to his games.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Youth Conference

Jason and I just recently returned from Youth Conference. It was a lot of work and of course a lot of fun. We did a Book of Mormon Quest and were tribe leaders. We only had 1 kid from our ward in our tribe, but that turned out okay. I was a little worried about who would be in our tribe, but the kids we got were amazing. According to them, we were "the nice parents, because we let them do what ever they wanted." The truth was, they were always where they were supposed to be and never did anything to get in trouble. We Loved it!!!

The stake put on multiple reenactments from the Book of Mormon and they were really amazing. I don't know if the kids got anything from it, but I sure did. It really brought the Book of Mormon to life.

We ended the week with a reenactment of the second coming of Christ. We were woke up Friday morning at 4:00am to the sound of wind and thunder and our tents shaking. We then walked in the dark up into a meadow. They continued to play the sounds of the wind and thunder for about 30 minutes and then the actor playing Christ appeared in the trees. I couldn't believe how quiet 200+ kids could be, as the actor walked among them.