Well, it is that time of year again. School has started and as always that brings lots of fun activities. As usual, I made the kids pose for a Back to school picture the first morning, before they got on the bus. Ashleigh thought it was great. Garrett did not. He is at the age where it is not so cool to have back to school pictures taken I guess.
Garrett is loving being an 8th grader. He says his favorite clas is either T.A. for Miss Stevens or Weights. Hmmmm.......mom is not sure those really count as classes. He thinks they are though, and is doing well in all of his other classes, so I guess that is alright. He starts lacrosse this week and is very excited about that.
Ash loves 5th grade, I think her favorite part so far is her teacher. She always tells me how "nice" Mrs Crockett is. She had a biographical timeline due last we and we had a lot of fun looking through all of her old pictures to decide which major events to use in her presentation. She tried out for dance team in the spring and moved up a class. She was excited about that and is thrilled to be starting classes again.
Mom is back to school as well. I'm not happy to be going back to work, but glad to be able to get back into a routine again. It is also nice to see all the people I work with and to see most of the kids.
Jason has been working on a big project at work. Hopefully after he is finished InfoTrax will be "PCI Compliant." I'm not really sure what that means but he has been working a lot so it must be important. It will be nice for him when he his finished....he has been a little stressed lately.
I'm so happy you joined the blogging world. I keep up with people so much better through blogging than email. I love the pics of Ash & Garrett. I can't believe how old they are now. Pretty soon Ashleigh will be in high school and Garrett on a mission. Time really flies. I wish I could have made it to Jace's blessing so I could see you guys but someone had to stay and do cabins. I'll be glad when the season is over so I can actually go somewhere other than Richfield:) Tell Jason & the kids hello and I'll keep checking in.
Hello, We are so glad too that you finally joined!! Now we just need to get Shelley & Wendy. I think we can just keep up better this way. Lots of love!!! Tell the kiddos hello and good luck in everything.
8th grade!! Wow!! Time goes by so fast! I am glad that you invited me to your blog so I can keep up on you guys! And Ash is growing up so fast! How fun for you to have such great kids! Good luck getting back into a routine. Love ya!
I can't believe another school year is upon us. I miss you and everyone at Pony Express. The beginning of the school year makes me so nostalgic for the teaching days. Good luck this year!
hey there! didn;t know you were in the bloggin' world. glad I found ya! I too get a little "homesick" for pony this time of year...I am planning a visit soon!
Your kids are so cute! You are so lucky to have them.
I tagged you. Go look at my blog for instructions! Miss ya.
No way, no way, no way!! Garrett is NOT in 8th grade! Wow! Where did the time go? He is so handsome and Ashleigh is so big! Send me an email so I can invite you to my blog too :) Good to catch up a bit on you guys!! (I peeked at your blog through Cindi's). Send me an email!! karenlouisethomas@msn.com
Hooray!!! You have a blog now!!!!! I am so excited I can't even think straight! Good to see the kids. Ashleigh is growing up way too fast. I am adding you to my links TODAY!! Miss you!
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